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During the massage session, the therapist maintains professional boundaries by keeping their clothes on, and no intimate areas are touched. This approach ensures a safe and respectful environment, prioritizing the client's comfort and well-being throughout the session.


Our carefully crafted signature massages are a celebration of the exquisite interplay between pleasure and pain, offering an escape from the mundane and an invitation to a world where your deepest desires are unveiled. Whether you're an intrepid explorer, eager to dip your toes into these exhilarating waters, or a seasoned adventurer seeking new heights of sensation, our expert practitioners are here to guide you through this unique journey.


90min - £150

120min - £200


Introducing our unique "Pain-Pleasure Massage Experience" – a journey tailored for those who crave the exquisite balance of agony and ecstasy. This specialized session combines the therapeutic art of deep tissue massage with the precise targeting of muscle trigger points.

The intensity of this massage is entirely in your hands, and you have the power to dial it up or down as you wish. It begins with the gradual build-up of pressure, expertly kneading your muscles, working out any hidden knots and tension. As your body surrenders to the sensation of discomfort, there are moments of sweet relief as gentle strokes intertwine with the deep, pulsating pressure.


Each touch is meticulously calculated to bring both relief and excitement. It's a symphony of sensation, a dance of exquisite torment, for those who secretly savor the good kind of pain. Remember, you're in control; you can always tap out when the intensity becomes too much, ensuring that your experience remains just the right amount of pleasurable pain.

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