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Sensual Massage

Are you looking to experience mind-blowing new sensations? Are you longing for a lingering touch delivered with gentleness, care and intent? Do you love long, fulfilling, pleasure-focused foreplay sessions? You’re in the right place!

1h - £200
1,5h - £250
2h - £330

Create your own unforgettable experience

Our Sensual massage is an all-inclusive, tailor made option designed especially for you. You can explore your desires, in a space that is safe and catered exactly to what you need. It will involve creating a personalised experience in which you can fully let go and explore healing, pleasure, intimacy, vulnerability and feel the full power of your sexuality. 

You can decide whether you want to stay covered or not, and also if you want your therapist to be fully clothed, in underwear or naked. It's entirely up to you whether you want specific areas to be included in the massage and what elements you'd like to be incorporated.

The option can include:
- Massage including body caressing,

- Body to body massage

- Being blindfolded

- Bondage and restriction play

- Sensory play (feather, pinwheel)

- Hair Pulling

- Breast massage/nipple play

- Clitoris stimulation

- External/internal vagina stimulation

- Edging
- Orgasm denial/control
- Sex Toys

- Spanking

The Sensual massage can help you to explore your own healing, become more comfortable in your body, improve your sex life and even help with pain that you experience from sex or menstruation. Orgasm isn’t the ‘goal’, but it is something that may happen as part of your experience.

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